Unique coffee origins Where we source

Kegna Trading sources coffee from three different region from Ethiopia – Guji, Nekemte and Jimma.

Guji /coffee

Named after a tribe of the Oromia people, Guji is one of the zones of the Oromia region of Ethiopia. Guji is surrounded by Borena in the south, by the Southern Nations Nationalities, and Peoples Region on the west, on the north by the Ganale Dorya River which separates it from Bale and on the east by Somalia region. The highest peak in this zone is the Mount Dara Tiniro. Major cities and towns in this zone include Nagele Borana the administrative center.

Guji Culture

The Oromo people tribes of Guji regard their region as the nerve center of Oromo culture. The ceremonies, customs and wisdom that come with the Gada age group system are still widely followed among the people. Besides the system, coffee farming is ingrained in the Guji culture- the two are inseparable.

Characteristics and Use

In terms of topography, culture, and flavours, coffee from Guji has a distinct terroir while sustaining the classic characteristics like the Aromas of sweet peach and chocolate. A very big, bold character with a smooth, chocolate mouthfeel. Spicy, exotic, and clean.

Oromo region: rich with extravagant dark chocolate notes, jasmine, and crisp, sweetly-tart acidity.

Previously, Guji produced both washed and naturals exclusively, but of late producers have started to offer honey’s as well.

Guji coffees offer a composite, yet balanced cup profile that blends with both filter and espresso.


Nekemte, also called Nakamti is a city and a woreda of western Ethiopia. It was the capital of the erstwhile Welega province and is home to a museum of Wollega Oromo culture. It is located at an elevation of 2,088 at the coordinates of 9°5′N 36°33′E.

Nekemte Coffee

Nekemte coffee is produced in Western Ethiopia and it is highly valued for its pleasant fruity flavour. At times the higher-grade coffee can be unique with honey, citrus, and floral notes. It has long elongated beans with a green to brownish colour. The cup is generally clean with slight fruity acidic taste and body of the best quality mocha. It forms an important part of a specialist roasters blend, but it is also is an excellent gourmet single.

Jimma Coffee

Region in the southwest that traditionally only produced commodity grade coffee. With increased exposure and education the truly great potential of this area is beginning to be realized.

Jimma coffee, grow in Jimma Zone of Oromia region at elevations from 4,400 to 6,000 feet above sea level, is an excellent, low-acid Ethiopian coffee when it is wet processed (washed). When Jimma is dry processed natural; unwashed), however, it is known to impart a generally undesirable flavor.

An excellent, low-acid Ethiopian coffee when it is wet-processed (washed). When Jimma is dry processed (natural; unwashed), however, it is known to impart a generally undesirable medicinal flavor.

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